Vice President
Sandi Swift

Cushwa Center 50th Anniversary Conference
Catholic Modernity in the Americas: Land, Culture, Politics, will convene Thursday to Saturday, April 10–12, 2025, at the University of Notre Dame. With more than 70 panel presentations, keynote and banquet addresses, and a special session of the Dolan Seminar in American Religion, participants will explore Catholic modernity as a global reality shaped and constituted by the Church’s former peripheries, not least South and North America. The conference will begin at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 10, and will conclude with lunch at noon on Saturday, April 12. All sessions will take place in McKenna Hall.
Conference sessions are free and open to all, but participants must register in order to receive conference materials and join conference meals. Register by March 10, 2025 at
The Constance Markievicz Award 2025
Letters From the Vice President
Junior Membership is available for young ladies ages 5 to 18, who are practicing Roman Catholic and of Irish descent.
Reach the National Vice President
Email Address: Sandi Swift