National History Day
The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, Incorporated is proud to be a sponsor of National History Day in conjunction with the Ancient Order of Hibernians and will be providing awards to students who prepare an entry on an Irish theme which coincides with the overall theme established by National History Day.
The competition includes several categories in which projects may be entered, including: Exhibits, Performances, Papers, Websites and Documentaries. The requirements for each category are defined on the National History Day site at National History Day.
The AOH and the LAOH, Inc., sponsor awards to the students incorporating Irish or Irish American History in their project. These prizes are awarded to two projects in either junior or senior divisions, in any category. These outstanding entries demonstrate excellence in the study on presentation of Irish/Irish-American History. The medals awarded with this prize are in honor of Commodore John Barry, USN (1745-1803), who was a native of Ireland and Father of the U.S. Navy. The Gold Medal Award is tickets for 2 to Ireland, the Silver Medal Award is $1,500. There are also several Honorable Mention Medals awarded.
There are also many other special Awards and Prizes, including scholarships. Theme sheets, sample topics and more are available for download at Annual Theme.