The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, Inc. National Board recognized one of its members in recognition of her generous and extraordinary humanitarian works within the Order and her local community. The 2016 St Brigid of Ireland Humanitarian Award was bestowed to AGNES O’LEARY, a member of NY Suffolk County Division 7. Agnes O’Leary has been an active LAOH member for over 27 years serving in her Division, County Board, and State Board. Her leadership and giving spirit is well recognized by her New York Sister Hibernians.
As Agnes recently moved to a new local community, she has stepped up and is actively engaged in her new parish serving as a Eucharistic Minister and is working in her local community as a member of the American Legion Auxiliary to assist wounded warriors. Getting involved in her new parish and community was a natural for Agnes as she had been active in her former parish and local community for several decades.
Serving others is part of Agnes’ daily living as she is quick to see a need and to take the necessary action to meet the need. Agnes retired from her professional nursing career as an administrator in a home-care program for disabled youth who reside in several counties.
Agnes O’Leary is a woman of deep faith, a possessor of a strong character, and a giver of her time and talent. Through her sharing of her great sense of humor, she is able to provide both support and strength during difficult times. Agnes O’Leary models the LAOH Mission of Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity in her daily living. Through her daily living and giving, Agnes O’Leary provides all LAOH members with an example of being a selfless humanitarian. CONGRATULATIONS, AGNES O’LEARY!